
(Section yet to be written)

The application schema

(Section yet to be written)

The client side

(Section yet to be written)

The server side

(Section yet to be written)

Packaging applications

Application can be packed into bundles using special composer package type comodojo-app.

    "name": "my/app",
    "description": "My first comodojo app",
    "type": "comodojo-app",
    "extra": {
        "comodojo-app-register": {
            "helloworld": {
                "description": "My first comodojo app",
                "assets": "assets"
        "comodojo-configuration-register": {
            "app-helloworld-default": {
                "value": 'Comodojo',
                "constant": false,
                "type": "STRING",
                "validate": ""
        "comodojo-rpc-register": {
            "myrpc.helloworld": {
                "callback": "\\My\\Rpc",
                "method": "helloworld",
                "description": "Rpc Helloworld",
                "signatures": [
                        "returnType": "string",
                        "parameters": {
                            "name": {
                                "type": "string",
                                "optional": true
        "comodojo-service-route": {
            "helloworld": {
                "type": "route",
                "class": "\\My\\Helloworld",
                "parameters": {
                    "cache": false
        "comodojo-task-register": {
            "HelloWorld": {
                            "class": "\\My\\Tasks\\HelloWorldTask",
                            "description": "Greetings from comodojo"
        "comodojo-command-register": {
            "helloworld": {
                "class": "My\\App\\Command\\Helloworld",
                "description": "Greetings from comodojo",
                "aliases": ["hw"],
                "options": {},
                "arguments": {
                    "to": {
                        "choices": {},
                        "multiple": false,
                        "optional": true,
                        "description": "hello to..."
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
             "My\\App\\": "src"